To help demonstrate, here is an example. There is a neighborhood in New Castle County, Delaware called Westover Hills. The Westover Hills neighborhood is in an unincorporated area, outside of any legal city boundary. Though this neighborhood doesn’t technically belong to any city, the postal addresses in this neighborhood say ‘Wilmington, DE’ since Wilmington is the nearest city. Though the Westover Hills neighborhood is not technically in Wilmington, NeighborhoodScout links this neighborhood to Wilmington due to its proximity to the city and USPS mailing addresses.
However, when NeighborhoodScout summarizes overview, real estate, economic and demographic, crime, and school information about Wilmington, DE, information from the Westover Hills neighborhood will not be taken into consideration and will not be part of any data we display on behalf of Wilmington since it does not fall within the legal city boundary. Still, we show the neighborhood on the map on our city pages for your reference.