A report refers to any neighborhood or address-level content. Think of it as any content that’s available at the deepest spatial resolution possible. i.e. “City-Center” neighborhood report or “123 Main Street" address report.

Reports get unlocked with credits. i.e.:  1 Report = 1 Credit

NeighborhoodScout's Pro subscriptions come with a fixed quantity of monthly report credits available each month (Pro Lite - 10, Pro - 100, or Pro Plus - 200). If you require more than 200 reports per month, Pro & Pro Plus subscribers can purchase additional Add-on credits at any time. 

Add-on credits are used only when your monthly report credits have been depleted. Unlike the monthly "base" credits, unused Add-on credits continuously roll-over into future months for as long as you remain an active subscriber without lapse. 

Pay-As-You-Go users can purchase individual reports for $29.99 per Pro report.